57 Concepts Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.

Authorized seller
Our store is an authorized seller of all offered brands. This means that all products available in our store:

- come directly from distributors and producers,
- have a service provided by the manufacturer in Poland,
- correct instruction and original packaging

We guarantee 100% authenticity of the watches ordered in our store. As an authorized seller of all watch and jewelry brands we offer, we ensure that every product offered by our store is 100% original, has a manufacturer's or Polish distributor's warranty card, original packaging and instructions.

Our store does not offer replicas, counterfeit or used products or watches from unauthorized distribution channels. If you have any questions feel free to contact. 

세부 정보

Trusted Seller
Chrono24를 통해 시계 구매하기: 424

별 5개 중에서 Ø 4.7  |  평점: 358

평가 세부사항 

Ø 4.7 배송
Ø 4.7 제품 설명
Ø 4.6 소통
98% 구매자는 이 전문 거래자를 앞으로도 추천하고자 합니다.

현재 최상급 상품들

57 Concepts Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.

Aleja Witosa 31/115
1 piętro
00-710 Warszawa

전화: +48-22-642-89-42
모바일: +48512151505
서비스되는 언어:

추가 정보

판매세 식별 번호: PL9512317093